​​​​​​​​HPEMBA, Inc.
High Point Education and Missionary Baptist Association, Inc.


PO Box 17336, Winston Salem, NC 27116
Executive Secretary's Contact Number: 336-995-8366
Email: gohighpoint@gmail.com

​© Copyright. All Rights Reserved

Reverend Holder holds a Bachelor of Theology Degree, a degree in Electro-mechanical Maintenance, and a pilot’s license, among other nonrelated credentials. He has served five pastorates across the state in three different associations over the past 43 years. He organized the New Faith Baptist Church, Inc, in 2000 with the vision of “Restoring the Body of Christ to Christlikeness” where he still serves as pastor.

Moderator Billy Holder

Moderator's Vision for the HPEMBA 

​The Whole Body Fitly Joined Together

These words are borrowed from, chapter 4 and verse 16 of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, as recorded in the King James version of the bible. They are also part of the vision of “Restoring the Body of Christ to Christlikeness,” derived from Ephesians 4:11-16, which God gave me for a ministry which has bridged the ending of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st centuries. The uniqueness of this period of ministry has caused me to focus on three core principles I believe are vital to every church and especially to the churches of the HPEMBA in these last and evil days of the church’s role on earth.

Jesus Will Return for a Church That is Spotless and Wrinkle Free!

As important as is our mission to evangelize the world according to the great commission of Matthew 28:19-20, I believe we have a second and equally great mission that is too often overlooked and ignored. 1 John 3:1-5 tells us of the great love God has bestowed upon us in that we are now the sons of God, though it does not yet appear to be so. Yet, we are assured that when Jesus appears, so shall we also appear to be like Him or Christlike, for then we shall see Him like we’ve never seen Him before. Verse 5 says that every person who has this belief or hope will purify themself.

 I believe the second great mission of the church is teaching saved saints how to become a part of the glorious body or bride of Christ, a bride that is without spot or wrinkle. (Eph 5:27). Let me remind you that the great commission twice emphases our duty to teach. Men must be taught both before and after they are baptized. The role of teaching or educating as is implied in the name HPEMBA is not as much a secular duty as it is a spiritual one. We must spiritually educate saved saints after they are baptized, how not be conformed to this world that is so corrupt and wicked, and how to be transformed by the renewing of the mind.

Jesus Will Judge His Church!

The reason why saints must be taught to be Christ-like is because judgment will begin at the house of God first. The reason why judgment will begin with saved saints first (1 Pet 4:17) is because we are to be the standard bearers of God’s righteousness. If our righteousness does not exceed or is not better than the rest of the world, then what will be the standard for judging the world? The apostle Paul asks in 1 Cor 6:2, “Do you not know that the saints shall judge the world?” This is why Christ shall first judge us, His saints, according to the highest standards of His holiness and righteousness.

Therefore, the church is not the place for petty squabbles, rivalries and divisive behaviors. Rather, it is the dressing room for the spirits of the just who are in the process of being made perfect (Heb 12:23). We in the church, must learn to view every thought, word and deed in light of the coming judgment at the judgment seat of Christ. Our most coveted moment as saved saints must be to hear Him say to us at that judgment, “well done, my good and faithful servant.” I believe only those who have been transformed into His likeness and image and taught how to fit into His body will hear those words from His lips.

We Must Fit Into His Body!

I believe there is no greater preparation for judgment for saints than being taught to become “fitly joined to the whole body of Christ. The most important work of the church for the church is therefore, teaching saints how to fit into the body of Christ. The body of Christ is not designed to be compatible to us so that we can easily fit into it. On the contrary, we must be changed into His image by the Spirit of God (2 Cor 3:18), so that we can become compatible to and fit into the body of Christ. This is not an easy, instant or painless process. Our participation and willingness to be transformed into His image requires that we continually present ourselves as living sacrifices (Rom 12:1). Only saved saints who have the support of other saved saints can accept and endure this process to its intended end, which is the perfection of the saint. This is why every member of every church and every church of our Association of churches is so very valuable and vital to the cause of Christ within the church and within the HPEMBA.

Consider Paul’s exhortation in Hebrews 10:24-25: And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another; and so much the more as you see the day approaching.

It is my belief and vision that we of the many churches that make up this association, can and shall become a part of the whole body of Christ, fitly joined together, so that we will be the HPEMBA of churches Jesus is looking for in these last and evil days.